Advantages of Natural Family Planning Methods

Supporters of Natural Family Planning (NFP) defend a lifestyle that incorporates respect, responsibility, informed freedom and the capacity for sexual continence into conjugal life and procreative decisions. Natural Family Planning uses Natural Methods for responsible family planning.

Advantages of Natural Methods to avoid or get pregnant

They can be used to achieve or postpone a pregnancy Natural Methods can be used interchangeably to temporarily or permanently postpone a pregnancy, or to achieve it. They are appropriate Methods for those couples who are in situations of subfertility, since by recognizing the days of maximum fertility they can direct their relationships towards those days, increasing the chances of achieving a pregnancy.

They have a high rate of efficacy

  • The effectiveness of the different methods of natural family planning is measured with the Pearl Index (Number of unplanned pregnancies in 100 women who use Natural Methods for 1 year). Theoretical IP of the Billings Ovulation Method 2.8. Theoretical IP of Symptothermal Methods 0.44-1.35 (comparable to that of oral contraception).
    The practical effectiveness will correspond to the theoretical effectiveness as long as the users learn and apply the method well.
  • They help a man and a woman to jointly assume responsibility for their fertility.
    The methods used in Natural Family Planning are cooperative methods, which involve both spouses in the responsible decision of the number of children. They entail periodic abstinence, assumed freely, in a climate of communication and respect on the part of both members of the couple.
  • They follow the biological laws of reproduction, they respect life at its beginning and do not carry side effects.
    Because these methods are adapted to the biological rhythm of the woman, they do not alter her physiological processes or interfere with her health.
  • Natural Methods make it possible to dispense with the contraceptive use of hormones, mechanical devices, surgical procedures, etc. They respect life from its beginning.

Increase self-awareness of your body

The woman who uses the Natural Methods recognizes the physiological changes that take place during her cycle; Therefore, she is more aware of the responsibility of her maternity and, at the same time, she is capable of early detection of any gynecological anomaly that may occur (vaginal infections, spotting…).

They promote the capacity for self-control

In the teaching of Natural Methods, an important part is dedicated to education in the responsible use of sexuality and the exercise of self-control is promoted, so that each of the members of the couple learns to couple the exercise of their sexuality to the rhythm of the other.

They are easily learned after following a teaching course

The Natural Methods are not complicated and are easily learned. It is advisable to start your apprenticeship in the pre-marital stage, in normal fertility conditions, away from stressful situations. However, they can also be learned in any circumstance of a woman’s fertile life, if there is sufficient motivation and a joint decision. In 95% of cases, women are able to recognize their fertility after three learning cycles in the established courses. These courses include topics in anatomy and physiology, as well as sexualit.

Applicable in all circumstances and socio-cultural conditions

  • The rules of the Natural Methods are adapted to the different fertility situations, since the woman recognizes, in each cycle, the fertile days, which can vary from one cycle to another. Therefore, the woman will apply in the different situations of her fertile life and also in irregular cycles, lactation, premenopause, the rules adapted to said circumstances.
  • Multicenter experiences in different countries have shown that they can be used by people of different cultures and religions, since they are based on the psychobiological nature of men and especially women.

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