How to tell my parents that I am pregnant without fearing their reaction?

You are pregnant?!! Congratulations!! Although perhaps we are rushing because you did not count on that pregnancy and you are not very sure if it makes you happy or not. And then you can’t stop thinking about a question: how do I tell my parents that I’m pregnant? Whether this pregnancy is welcome or not, communicating this news to your parents may give you more than one headache. We help you face the situation and get out of it successfully.

Tips to tell your parents that you are expecting a baby

Sooner or later you will have to tell your parents and it is better that it be before. You do not want them to find out from other people or to think that you do not count on them enough to share a momentous change in your life.

Obviously, it is not the same to be a mother after looking for it for a while, then to find yourself with a surprise pregnancy. There are many factors that can turn good news such as a pregnancy into bombshell news in your family. So the first thing is to analyze how the situation is.

  • If you have a stable partner, work, are independent and live on your own, it is possible that telling your parents that you are pregnant does not go beyond an initial surprise face to immediately become a shared illusion.
  • Things change if you are very young, if you still live with them, if you have decided to be a single mother or your relationship is a toxic relationship in which you should not stay longer.
  • Whatever your situation, before you tell your parents anything, make sure you know what you want. Only you. Remember that the more illusion you have, the sooner you can infect your parents.
  • You can use the classic of couples “we need to talk” so that your parents get an idea of ​​what awaits them or, at least, that something strong awaits them.
  • If you are going to embark on the adventure of being a mother together with your partner and your parents already know your boyfriend, it is better that he goes with you to break the news so that they see that you are united.
  • No matter how bad things look, if they see you confident and happy with your decision, it will be easier to convince them that your pregnancy is not a problem but an opportunity.
  • Do not rule out seeking family support in the face of that definitive conversation. If you have a lot of complicity with your brother, your sister or your aunt, tell them first and have them accompany you when breaking the news.
  • Your safety is the key. Your conviction that it is great news will convince them. And it will help a lot if they see that you already have a lot of things planned and that you have everything under control. That you have thought of everything.
  • Your parents are going to become grandparents and there are few who resist that role. Assure them that you count on them, with their advice and with their help in this magical adventure of starting a family.
  • Have you thought about writing a letter? Obviously that does not prevent you from having to tell your parents face to face, but if you are able to write a few emotional lines full of illusion and joy, they will stay with that first impression.

Do not be afraid of a bad reaction on his part. It can happen, we are not going to deny it; they may take it pretty badly, but surely the bewilderment won’t last long. You will see how in a few days you have them by your side supporting you in your pregnancy.

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