Not a drop of alcohol during pregnancy

We all know that drinking alcohol during pregnancy can seriously compromise the health of the baby. In the first medical consultation of a pregnant woman, one of the first recommendations and prohibitions in her diet are those of alcoholic beverages. And it is not for less, the main congenital defects of a baby are caused by the consumption of alcohol by pregnant women.

Although Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is easily preventable, 1% of European babies are born with this disorder that causes serious deformities and disabilities in children. They are babies whose mothers ignored the medical advice not to drink alcohol, and as a consequence, end up giving birth to babies with birth defects.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Babies

  1. According to the Scientific Society for Studies on Alcohol and other drug addictions and the Spanish Federation of Rehabilitated Alcoholics, alcohol consumption during pregnancy is the main cause of birth defects and baby development. This translates into physical, mental, behavioral problems, sleep and learning disorders, delayed speech and language, poor coordination, mental retardation, facial anomalies (egg, cleft lip), as well as other disorders in different baby’s organs.
    Pregnant women should be aware of making their bodies the safest place in the world for the fetus. Do not drink a drop of alcohol during pregnancy. This can cause serious consequences for your baby.

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