Pregnant and asthmatic

Asthma is a lung condition that can threaten our day-to-day quality of life, especially if you are pregnant. If asthma affects a woman in full pregnancy, it can make her live a complex stage from the metabolic point of view, and therefore she will need special attention to avoid complications for the well-being and health of the woman and her baby.A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine ensures that not treating asthma properly during pregnancy can cause complications such as high blood pressure, premature births or underweight children. The problem is that the study also recommends that pregnant asthmatics avoid medications orally in those months, unless they are essential.

The asthmatic pregnant woman

  • Recent research has shown that there is scientific evidence that hormonal fluctuations in women may directly influence airway inflammation, and this explains one of the reasons why asthma in some women evolves in parallel with their hormonal development. Or interesting example, 57% of asthmatic women suffer more from asthma in the premenstrual period.
  • The treatment of asthma in pregnant women is essential because an asthma attack implies a decrease in oxygen supply to the fetus, a much greater danger than the administration of steroids or adequate bronchodilators. Women with asthma under treatment are known to enjoy healthier pregnancies and that in this way increases the probability of having healthy children.
  • Professors recommend asthmatic women who intend to become pregnant to evaluate the situation together with their gynecologist and design a preventive therapeutic plan. In this case, immunotherapy could be used, which normally has no adverse effects as long as it is started before conception.

Care of pregnant women with asthma

  1. Strictly comply with the preventive therapeutic plan indicated by the doctor, and approved by the gynecologist so that the chronic inflammation of the airways is under control.
  2. Stay away from the factors that trigger allergic or asthmatic reactions, as well as always consult a professional before taking medications.
  3. Practice physical exercises in moderation as long as these do not induce asthma. This physical routine must also be controlled by a professional.
  4. Get vaccinated against the flu virus if the second or third trimester of pregnancy falls in the fall or winter.


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